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The International Brecht Society (IBS)

The IBS was founded in 1970 on the model of Bertolt Brecht's own unrealised plans for a “Diderot Society.” A non-profit, educational organization with a world-wide membership, the Society promotes the performance and understanding of Brecht's texts and addresses issues of politics and culture in contemporary life. It also encourages and supports local, national, and regional groups with related goals. In Brecht's spirit of collaborative work, the IBS hopes that this Society will function as a forum for facilitating international contacts and exchange. It is committed to maintaining Brecht as a living force in the theatre as well as in the political and cultural arenas, so that he might remain – as he wished – an “unsettling presence.”

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President: Stephen Brockmann

Photo: Laura Petrilla

The Brecht Yearbook (edited by Markus Wessendorf) will publish a selection of papers from the Symposium in Israel.

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